Announces New "Time's Arrow" EP Out October 25th on Hydra Head
"Bold, original and astonishingly well-produced throughout, Bermuda Drain really is a new peak in
Prurient's prolific career" - Boomkat / Album of the Week
"After a decade of forging the most jagged, invasive noise imaginable, Fernow has moved ahead,
tempering his menace with a broader range of texture and tone. And yes, even melody. The result
is Prurient’s strongest statement to date, and its best album." - The A.V. Club
"Bermuda Drain is full of distortion-free keyboard, perverse disco beats, moments of beauty, even
hooks... Fernow wants to shake you up, unnerve you, make you understand just how fragile
"beautiful" music is." - Pitchfork
For many artists who have careers that span more than an album or two, there are often various
lines visible in their work - a line from origin to current form, lines between different paradigms of
sound, lines across which fans of different manifestations of the artist will not cross. Prurient in
2011 is drawing just such lines, and Time's Arrow proves this point explicitly. Here we bear witness
to Dominick Fernow's long running project once again evolving, unfolding, permutating. Taking a
bold step away from the sounds which drew attention his way in the formative years, he is clearly
moving towards something new, something still taking form in the present moment. Unsettling
perhaps for followers of Prurient's former incarnations, but extremely important for the longevity
and vitality of a determinedly restless and inventive musician as Fernow has consistently proved
himself to be.
If noise music, the genre to which Prurient has most often been assigned, is about confrontation,
exploration and defying expectations, this release measures up on all counts. Yet, much of what
made past work identifiable as noise music - harsh textures, screams washed in seas of static,
clanging unidentified percussion - is now gone. Those elements which formerly provided a
valuable counterpoint to the harsh din of Prurient's core sound - buried melodies, passages of
relative serenity, and occasional spoken word bits - have come to the fore. A sense of naked clarity
and uncomfortable intimacy now brings the listener closer to the world as described the music,
rather than pushing away the would be voyeuristic observer. This is best illustrated on the title track
of the EP, "Times Arrow", where a glistening synth melody lays atop an undeniably dancey beat,
over which a fragmented, but clearly discernible narrative is intoned. Sinister in character to be
sure, but also clearly without any element that could be described as overtly aggressive.
Though a newly formed voice of Prurient is clearly prominent on this release, a line drawn from the
past to the present is visible throughout. As the EP progresses echoes of Fernow's assaultive past
explosions creep steadily to the forefront, culminating in the furious blizzard of the closing
instrumental version of "Slavery in the Bahamas". This is not a calculated reassurance for fans of
old that Fernow is still capable of his former feats of unbridled harshness, but rather a reminder that
no one can fully escape the past, no matter however continual the process of regeneration and
renewal might be - the line of time connects the then to now and onwards.
* Pre-order "Time's Arrow" here!
"Time's Arrow" Track List:
Select Live Appearances:
October 8, MAGA Museum, live collaboration with Nico Vascellari, Gallarate, Italy
October 9 Odalunga, with Bus de la Lum, Vittorio Veneto, Italy
October 15, De Kreun, Conservatoriumplein 1, Kortrijk, Belgium
For more information, visit:
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