This week, White Mystery release a brand new tune "Toxic Sugar" - give a listen to the "rock & roll salvation" here!
After an incendiary set at this weekend's RIOT Fest opening up for Weezer, White Mystery plot a shredding tour through the Midwest and Canada, with a special, spooky Halloween show in
Full tour dates and more music below!

Photo by Diane Alexander White
Oct 12 - Liar's Club - Chicago, IL
Oct 13 - Chicago Public Media Performance Studio - Chicago, IL
Oct 21 - Tip Top Deluxe Bar & Grill - Grand Rapids, MI
Oct 22 - Silver Dollar - Toronto, ON *
Oct 23 - Lager House - Detroit, MI *
Oct 22 - Silver Dollar - Toronto, ON *
Oct 23 - Lager House - Detroit, MI *
Oct 26 - Live from Studio 10 - Chicago, IL
Oct 27 - Frank's Power Plant - Milwaukee, WI ^^
Oct 28 - The Double Door - Chicago, IL ^^
Oct 27 - Frank's Power Plant - Milwaukee, WI ^^
Oct 28 - The Double Door - Chicago, IL ^^
Nov 10 - The Chicago Theater - Chicago, IL
w/ Davila 666 *
w/ Satan's Youth Ministers ^^
Meet White Mystery
If you’re a fan of stripped down garage rock, loud drums, and/or redheads, meet your perfect match. White Mystery is the two-piece brother/sister duo of Miss Alex White and Francis Scott Key White. Praised by MTV , The Chicago Tribune, LA Weekly, Sound Opinions, Village Voice, Austin Chronicle and Elle Magazine Brazil to name just a few, the
native Chicagoans self-released two albums and logged 30,000 miles
touring North America in 2011. Having played with Weezer, Mavis
and The
Gories, this ferocious duo is known for “explosive live shows,” “abrupt
violence” and “innocent glee.”
Watch the red head love extravaganza of "Powerglove" and if you've never seen the power of White Mystery live,
head on over to WMTV for live videos, interviews and more!
"Dig some ferocious, stripped-down garage rock from Chicago’s fiery-headed brother/sister duo White Mystery."
and Francis White drop us down into the middle of a city, right smack
into the hornet's nest, the over-developed center of societal,
commercial, architectural and mental congestion, when they blast out
with White Mystery songs."
Press love White Mystery
the White Stripes looked to the blues tradition for inspiration, White
Mystery only go back as far back as the Sonics, though they’re also
clearly influenced by bands from later decades as well (the MC5 stick
are a big one). Alex White’s Kathleen Hannah-esque vocals put them in a
space never even ten-foot-poled by the Stripes, and Francis Scott Key
White’s drumming is clean and precise compared to Meg White’s primal
the White Stripes once pretended to be, White Mystery actually is.
Midwestern sis-bro duo Alex and Francis Scott Key White play ferocious,
tuneful garage rock, proving that hiring a bass player is as
unnecessary as looking outside of one’s bloodline for band mates. The
main difference between these Whites and Jack and Meg: The girl is up
front. Alex is the group’s shredding, soul-barker star, while Francis
holds it down on drums, very nearly claiming the spotlight for himself.
MTV Hive
you have the remarkable garage rock of Alex White and her brother
Francis to start things off. It’s drums, guitar and a mountain of red
hair. It’s also primal drumming, simple lyrics and an energy that
remind you of what it must have been like at the beginning of rock ‘n’
roll. It’s also too cool for words.
Chicago Tribune
White Mystery
have always snagged a few hooks but the beauty of the band lies in
lodging said hooks in a pound of swagger and the kind of from the hip
thrust that hits you like a swung guitar to the head.
Raven Sings the Blues
fuzzed out psychedelic headfuckers that will probably piss off your
neighbors if played at a high enough volume...Alex's snarl is equally
as nasty as the buzzsaw she seems to be wielding at the end of the
song, and you're left wondering if the White Mystery are the final nail
in the coffin of garage rock or if this is an entirely different
easy to fall back on adjectives such as “hot,” “fiery,” “explosive,”
etc. when talking about White Mystery, but not because the
Chicago-based brother-sister duo strike quite a pose with their
matching shocks of bright red hair. Rather it’s their music—a molten
slab of rock & roll simmering in vast washes of fuzz and
reverb—that’s so scorching.
Agit Reader
stomped mightily through the beery house shows of their Chicago
hometown, White Mystery feels ready to bring a red scare to the world.
It's garage rock with mirth that these two do, strutting like the
coolest kid at a roller skating party and dancing til the sweat rolls
all the way down the fretboard. Feeling glad all over never goes out of
Village Voice
duo's second album, Blood and Venom, is filled with much of the same
style of garage-rock that inspires rock critics to throw out words like
"blistering," "raw" and "dirty." And White Mystery definitely are
these things...[the tracks] have enough raw riff-based power and
soulful grit to suggest that Mystery singer Alex White is really Aretha
Franklin and Tony Iommi rolled into one
of their first full-length, self-titled and self-released, will not be
disappointed — the duo continue to mix simple but memorable melodies
with raw guitar rhythms and stock blues licks, and this time around,
they've made abundant use of effects for a psych twist.
LA Weekly
mix of Keith Moon-style pummeling and Exene-worthy, blastoff-engine
pipes (tossed around wildly as their curly red mops) seemed to only get
better with more face time.
Alex White is a wild-banshee woman, screaming and shredding her way
through party mantras and non-sequitur self-mythologizing as brother
Frances White bashes away like Animal on acid.
Los Gorillos Collective
On Blood & Venom
White Mystery stomps and lurches and screams bloody murder like the
scummiest of Detroit punk bands, continuing and occasionally besting
the cacophony of their debut.
Chicago Sun Times
is pure energy. This is Jolt Cola mixed with Red Bull and injected
into a bluesman’s heart. This is garage rock that would blow the walls
off any garage that tried to contain it. This is proof of the old
saying, “If you want trouble, find yourself a red head.” Trouble never
sounded so good.
Atlanta Music Guide
Alex White is a towering, impressive presence that will force listeners to pay attention.
The Joy of Violent Movement
still steeped in the raw, dirty guitar and animalistic drumming that
made last year’s self-titled debut such a success, White Mystery take
to honing their sound on Blood & Venom. The result is a much more
focused and refined album, but one that still speaks to the heart of
classic rock ‘n’ roll.
Loud Loop Press
conjured up like a rusty genie from a crate of musty 45s found in a
yard sale, anyone without prior knowledge would assume (and rightfully
so) upon hearing a recording of this band that it was possibly a
reproduction of some Grace Slick side project done during the singer’s
most Woodstockian days.
real attraction is White Mystery, the new duo forged by Miss Alex
White, best known as the guitar-wielding blowtorch in her long-running
gig with Miss Alex White and the Red Orchestra. With drummer Francis
White, she reduces her love of soul-fired garage rock to its
butt-kicking essence.
Greg Kot, Chicago Tribune
great fun to see the redheaded siblings headbanging like matching
“Fraggle Rock” puppets in their ecstatic live show, but White Mystery
holds up as more than a concert flyer. The guitar goes from
dirty-sounding to dirtier-sounding, the hooks are straightforward and
stupidly catchy, and the singing is a belly-deep shout at the top of
Alex White’s range on almost every track...But even more than bratty
lyrics, posessed vocals, or perpetual swagger, these songs beam with a
sincere, almost perverse feeling of pride.
Pitchfork - 7.2
Americanos primos.
ELLE Magazine Brazil
garage rock duos are a dime a dozen, but White Mystery from Chicago
stand out and not just because siblings Alex and Francis are flaming
redheads. Alex, formerly of Red Orchestra, has a soulful wail that she
lets belt out at top register...And you just know — you just know —
they’re gonna be good live.
Brooklyn Vegan
average White Mystery song has a whole lot going on...There’s a
distorted series of power chords and a jangly set of higher guitar
licks played over that; a soulful female voice bursts through, only to
be joined by a caveman-like male voice for a crude harmony as drums
crash to keep up with the guitar’s sheer volume...The genetic
connection makes something happen in their shows that verges on magic
for Alex. “Sometimes when we play together live,” she says, “there will
be these moments of synchronicity that are so powerful that I feel
like I’m levitating.”
Paste - Best of What's Next
time I listen to a record that features Alex in the lead singer spot, I
think to myself something ridiculous like: “that girl has a voice like
a tornado kicking the shit out of a 4-alarm fire.” She wails on her
guitar and shouts like a woman possessed. What she’s involved with now
is quite possibly my favorite of all her projects: the two piece band
with her brother Francis, White Mystery.
Alex bounced around like a buoy on rough waters while Francis flailed behind the drums, somehow managing to keep the beat.
Fred Perry Subculture
feisty garage rock duo takes their audience by storm with Alex’s
robust vocals and fierce guitar, perfectly emphasized by brother
Francis’s powerful drums. Catching this band live will leave you with a
dose of divine rock ‘n roll and a reason to cherish redheads.
China Shop
Mystery have stripped bare to the skeleton of rock, flaying the skin
and leaving only the essentials of movement and of course sweat to
remain howling on the floor. It’s been a while since the Raven
turntable has met a release that bears such repeated listens. In short,
you need this one.
Raven Sings the Blues
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