Monday, November 18, 2013

PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT: Dutch Death Metal Miscreants To Release New Full-Length; Street Date Confirmed + Album Teaser Posted

PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT: Dutch Death Metal Miscreants To Release New Full-Length; Street Date Confirmed + Album Teaser Posted

Dutch death metal miscreants, PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT, will unleash their latest manifestation of audio abrasions this coming February. Tenderly titled From Crotch To Crown, the long-anticipated follow-up to 2008's malicious Descendants Of Depravity long player features ten groin-churning tracks of merciless brutality. Recorded in multiple locations throughout The Netherlands including Split Second Sound Studio in Amsterdam, guitarist Frank Schiphorst's home studio in Zwolle, guitarist Martijn Moes' home studio in Meppel and Final Focus Studio in Tilburg and re-amped, mixed and mastered by Yuma Van Eekelen and Bart Hennephof (also at Final Focus), From Crotch To Crown promises to deliver the band's sickest, most sadistic material yet.

Warns the band in a collective statement, "From Crotch To Crown is a mix of old-school mayhem and modern, bonecrushing, technical riffing with horrifying vocals spewed from the minds of the most sick and evil beings in history!"

Sample the official album teaser, now streaming at the band's newly launched website at THIS LOCATION and get brutal.

From Crotch To Crown Track Listing:
1. Only Taste For Decay
2. Battered To The Grave
3. Crowned In Entrails
4. Dismember The Transgender
5. Under The Patio
6. From Crotch To Crown
7. Glorify Through Cyanide
8. Set Forth To Annihilate
9. Compulsive Beheading Disorder
10. Reduced To Stumps

Niels Adams - Vocals
Michiel Van Der Plicht - Drums
Patrick Oosterveen - Bass
Frank Schiphorst - Rhythm, Lead Guitars
Martijn Moes - Rhythm, Lead Guitars

From Crotch To Crown will be released via Willowtip Records on February 4, 2014. Further info including preorder links and sample tracks, to be unveiled in the coming weeks. In the meantime, suffer.

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