Monday, November 11, 2013

Rappers from Tacoma? Sure, why not?? Breaklites ...

Breaklites are Ramping up to the Release of Their New Album,I Heart America, Which is Set to Come out on a Yet to be Decided Upon Date in December.

Listen to, and Share, the First Single From the Album, "Shine," HERE.

You know what's fun sometimes? Rap music. You know what else is fun? Drinking red wine out of a coffee cup at 1:02 PM.
The story of the Breaklites begins in early 2008. While on a trip out of town visiting a friend, Cruel (MC) randomly met John McRae (Guitarist/Producer). Their conversation quickly turned to hip-hop, and the two discovered they both lived in Tacoma, WA. Numbers were exchanged and they talked about working together on a project in the future. Early that summer Cruel and John finally connected and started work on their first song together. The song, ironically titled “Distracted,” was never released, and the project was put on the back burner as life pushed the two in opposite directions.
Fast forward through two years of rollercoaster-like highs and lows, with nothing substantial to show musically from either one, and you have the real beginning. Both of them knew they needed to get back in the studio. They reconnected and decided to push everything else aside to dive head first into a totally fresh music project. Finding a new energy within themselves, the duo began working together like a well oiled machine. As their first project neared completion a name for the pair surfaced,The Breaklites. Before officially releasing the project, they wanted to add a DJ to the crew to bring that classic dynamic to their live performance. Cruel bounced the idea off his friend and DJ, The Mayor, who was immediately on board.
The Breaklites released their first project New Dogs, Old Tricks EP in November 2010. With the original burst of momentum they discovered that winter, the group followed up with three more projects in 2011 starting with Pack Your Bags in February, Robots and Daytons in May and Rapface in December. Following the release of Robots and Daytons the group added Alex Schelhammer (Hypeman Extraordinaire) to the crew.  With the full four man roster The Breaklites launched off on their first tour, gaining a following as they brought their sweat-drenched and rowdy live performance to new audiences. After returning home and recording the latest album Rapface, The Breaklites took their energy on the road for the second time, with the bigger and better Rapface Tour, covering over half of the United States. During the summer of 2012 the group released their most successful album to date, In The Trunk. From rocking their first sold out shows to an adventure down to SXSW, 2012 saw The Breaklites truly begin to enjoy some of the fruits of their labor. With the In The Trunk Tour successfully completed in early 2013 the crew is now back in the studio working on the next project due later this year, a full-length album called I Heart America. 

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