On Hello Cruel World, Sole aka Tim Holland returns with the Skyrider Band for his first full length since the split with Anticon, and his third album with the Skyrider Band production. While much was made of Sole leaving the empire he helped create in Anticon, it's safe to say that there's a new found confidence and focus not seen since Selling Live Water and Bottle of Humans. Hello Cruel World sees Sole's promotion within the ranks of underground hip hop from infantryman to general and he's assembled an army of the most exciting voices in indie culture to be a part of the new record; recruiting everyone from Xiu Xiu, Lil B, Pictureplane, Sage Francis, Ceschi and more to create a stunning tapestry that is a new high water mark in Sole's creative output. Read the entire release here
See what XLR8R , CMJ and Prefixmag had to say. Some other great press in SYFFAL, Examiner, and Westword.
Listen to the first single "Hello Cruel World" here and purchase the entire EP here for the low price of $2.99 or get the T-shirt digital single combo for 16.99.
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